LLC/TC Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Where can I find the LLC/TC application?
A. The LLC/TC application lives within the housing application which can be found in your Housing Portal. Your housing and LLC/TC application will successfully be completed when you’ve submitted the housing application fee.
IMPORTANT: If your housing application has been submitted, you are unable to re-access the application to make any changes to your LLC/TC preferences. There will be a separate form in the housing portal for you to submit and/or change your LLC/TC preferences.
For step by step instructions on completing an LLC application, please use this LLC Application Instructions document.
Q: Does completing the LLC/TC portion of the housing application mean that I have been accepted into the LLC/TC?
A: The LLC/TC agreement you complete is an application; it does not guarantee you a spot in the LLC/TC. Once your application has been processed by the LLC/TC Coordinator, an email will be sent to your UofL email with the details of your acceptance (or if you’ve been waitlisted or denied).
Q: I listed two or all three LLC/TC preferences on my application, but I have only heard from one. What is the process for reviewing applications?
A: Your preferences are reviewed in chronological order, meaning, your first preference is reviewed then processed. If you are:
- Waitlisted: your 2nd preference, if one was indicated, will be active for review. If you are approved for your 2nd preference and are later approved for your 1st preference, you must confirm which community you would like to participate in.
- Denied: your 2nd preference, if one was indicated, will be active for review.
Roommate Groups
Q: I have a roommate preference, and we have both applied to join the same LLC/TC. How can I request to share a room with my preferred roommate?
A: You and your preferred roommate must BOTH be accepted into the same LLC/TC in order for you room together. Prior to your LLC/TC acceptance as roommates, you must first create a Roommate Group. To do so, please log into the Housing Portal and select “My Application.” Then, select “Roommate Groups.” Follow the instructions to be able to successfully select a roommate(s).
Q: I have created my Roommate Group. I was accepted into an LLC/TC, but my preferred roommate(s) were not. Can my preferred roommate(s) and I still share a room within the LLC/TC?
A: If you are accepted into an LLC/TC but your preferred roommate is not, you will not be able to view or self-assign into the LLC/TC during the self-selection process. You will need to remove yourself from your roommate group if you wish to participate in the LLC/TC. While some LLC/TC advisers make exceptions for preferred roommates, there is NO guarantee that your preferred roommate will be eligible for the LLC/TC into which you have been accepted.
Confirming/Cancelling Participation in an LLC/TC
Q: I have been approved for an LLC/TC. What are my next steps?
A: IMPORTANT: After you’ve been approved, in order for you to officially be a member of an LLC/TC you must select one of the bed spaces reserved for the LLC/TC that you’ve been approved for. To do so, follow the instructions provided for Room Selection.
A: All approved LLC/TC participants are encouraged to select their space in a timely fashion. If members do not select their bed space shortly after they’ve been approved (within 4 weeks from you’ve been approved), they may be moved to the waitlist. This decision may vary by community.
A: Students that apply for housing and are approved for an LLC/TC will be manually assigned to a space within the LLC/TC.
Q: I have not received confirmation that my LLC/TC application was submitted OR I have not received confirmation of my LLC/TC acceptance or denial. What could be the reason for this?
A: If you have not received confirmation that your LLC/TC application was received, please check your housing application or call the housing office to confirm that your housing application fee has been submitted/received.
A: If you have not received confirmation that you’ve been approved, waitlisted or denied there may be a delay in processing applications. Please contact the LLC/TC Coordinator.
Q: I am not sure if I have been accepted to my LLC/TC. Should I still select a room during the Room Selection period?
A: Yes. Even if you are unsure of your LLC/TC acceptance, please select a room for yourself outside of the LLC/TC. If you are accepted into the LLC/TC, you will have the opportunity to self-assign into the LLC/TC for which you have been approved.
Q: I would like to make changes to my LLC/TC preferences OR I no longer wish to participate in any LLC/TCs that I’ve submitted. How do I change my preferences/cancel?
A: Visit the housing portal to access the LLC/TC Cancellation/Change Preference Form. This form will allow you to submit a request to change the order of your preferences or cancel all preferences. Instructions will be provided on form.
Q: I’ve been approved for a community and have selected my bed space; however, I no longer wish to participate in any community. After submitting the LLC/TC cancellation form, what are my next steps in submitting a room change out of the community?
A: Once you’ve received confirmation that your LLC/TC cancellation request has been received and approved, you will need to complete a Room Change or Room Swap Request. Log into the Housing Portal on our main page. Once you have logged in, you will be able to select a Room Change in the Forms section of the Housing Portal.
LLC Linked Courses
Q: Where can I find the linked courses I am expected to enroll in for my LLC?
A: Browse the LLC/TC homepage to locate the LLC you are interested in. The courses are listed on the individual community webpages.
Q: How do I enroll for the linked course for my LLC?
- Once you’ve been approved for an LLC AND have selected your bed space in the community you’ve been approved for, you will be automatically enrolled in the linked course prior to or during summer Orientation.
Q. What happens if I cancel my LLC before the Fall 2024 academic year starts?
A. Notify the Coordinator of your LLC and work with your academic advisor to select a different course.
Q: Who is the Coordinator for my LLC/TC and how can I contact them?
A: LLC/TC Coordinator contact information can be found on the respective LLC/TC page. Visit the homepage to browse through the LLC/TC options available.