Bed Bug Treatment Process
Bed bugs have made a recent resurgence all across the United States as well as worldwide and are now being found in high-end hotels, apartment complexes, hospitals and even college residence halls. We are fortunate that with the number of people we have staying on campus, bed bug complaints at our university have been sporadic. One step you can take to help keep the number of bed bug complaints low is to be educated on bed bugs and keep an eye out for any evidence that they may exist.
If you repeatedly wake up with unexplained bug bites on your body this could be a sign that you are experiencing a bed bug problem. Another indicator are if you see dark brownish black stains appearing on your linens or mattress. If you suspect you have bed bugs, contact housing staff.
Our primary goal is to get all of the bed bugs eliminated from your room in as timely a fashion as possible and your cooperation is key in doing so. Another important thing to do is to try not to panic. We know having bed bugs is a very stressful situation but be assured we can take care of the problem and we will do so as swiftly as possible. It is extremely important that you do not do the following:
What not to do:
1. Do not remove items from your room including throwing them away. If not done in the correct manner, you risk infection other residents' rooms and potentially reinfecting your room.
2. Do not try to control the problem on your own. Bed bugs can go a long time without food and most over the counter treatments are ineffective.
3. Do not relocate to another room. We understand the desire to not want to stay in your room, but in doing so you risk taking bugs with you in any belongings you take. This would spread the bugs and could quite easily lead to your room being reinfected after treatment.
How to Eliminate Bed Bugs
Below are the steps you and we will do to eliminate bed bugs.