
Welcome to Charles H. Parrish, Jr. Freedom Park

Created in 2012 by the University of Louisville, Charles H. Parrish, Jr. Freedom Park commemorates the history of African Americans in Louisville and the commonwealth in the context of the universal struggle for freedom. More specifically, it explores Louisville’s history in the movement for civil rights for all its citizens.

Freedom Park was the brainchild of J. Blaine Hudson (1949-2013), an historian and Louisville native who served as dean of the university’s College of Arts and Sciences from 2005 to 2012.  The site of the park had long generated controversy by the presence at its south end of a city-owned monument constructed in 1895 to honor the Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War.  Since the university began admitting African American students in 1951, there have been periodic protests of the monument.  The idea of Freedom Park came about as a means to provide a more complete historical account.  The sculptures in the park enable visitors to follow Louisville’s progression from a city of slaveholders and Black settlements in the 1750s to its current status as a diverse metropolitan area still struggling to enact equal rights for all its residents.

The city-owned Confederate monument was removed in 2016. It now resides in Brandenburg, Ky.

Charles H. Parrish, Jr. Freedom Park tells the story of African Americans in Louisville and the commonwealth through a series of 10 information obelisks, each focusing on an era or topic specific to Louisville, and 10 glass panels detailing the contributions of some of the giants of Louisville’s civil rights struggle.

About Freedom Park

Close-up of a Freedom Park marker
Historical Obelisks
Beginning at the northeast corner of Charles H. Parrish, Jr. Freedom Park, at the corner of Third Street and Cardinal Boulevard, 10 tall black granite pillars detail Louisville’s history in chronological order.
The Minerva in front of the oval where Grawemeyer Hall sits
Civil Rights Leaders
Glass panels featuring nine University of Louisville civil rights champions grace the pergola on the north end of Charles H. Parrish, Jr. Freedom Park, facing Cardinal Boulevard.
Freedom Park in front of the Playhouse
The Playhouse
The oldest building on UofL’s Belknap Campus, the Playhouse is listed on the National Register of Historical Places.

Information for Visitors

Freedom Park packs a lot of information into a tiny space. The park is located on Cardinal Boulevard between Second and Third streets on the UofL Belknap Campus. It’s an easy walk – less than a quarter mile to explore the entire park – and it is wheelchair accessible. A typical visit can last from 30 minutes to an hour.

Parking is available at the Speed Art Museum garage just across Third Street and one block west at the corner of Fourth Street and Cardinal. Metered parking is available on Second Street alongside the park.

Historical Obelisks

Freedom Park includes 10 tall black granite pillars that detail Louisville’s history in chronological order.

Civil Rights Leaders

Glass panels featuring nine University of Louisville civil rights champions grace the pergola on the north end of Charles H. Parrish, Jr. Freedom Park, facing Cardinal Boulevard. These legendary figures include:

Anne M. Braden – A journalist and nationally known civil rights leader, Braden taught civil rights history for the decade before her death. The Anne Braden Institute at UofL carries forward her legacy.

Dr. Rufus E. Clement – The first dean of Louisville Municipal College in 1931, Clement built a strong faculty before leaving to become president of Atlanta University in 1937.

Lyman Tefft Johnson – Johnson was the plaintiff in the lawsuit that forced the desegregation at the University of Kentucky Graduate School in 1949. He then launched a campaign to desegregate UofL, which led the Kentucky General Assembly to end racial segregation in all Kentucky colleges and universities in 1950.

Dr. Lucy Freibert – A faculty member from 1971 to 1993, Freibert taught UofL’s first women’s studies course in 1973 and helped establish the Women’s Center and the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies.

Dr. Charles Henry Parrish, Jr. – UofL’s first African-American professor, he joined the university in 1951, the first African-American appointed to the faculty of an historically white university in the south.

Dr. Eleanor Young Love – Dr. Love was the first African-American librarian at the University of Kentucky in 1955. A decade later, she became the first director of Project Upward Bound and an assistant dean at UofL.

Dr. Joseph H. McMillan, Sr. – A 1950 UofL graduate, McMillan returned in 1976 as an assistant provost, professor of education, director of the Office of Minority Affairs and founder of the National Conference on the Black Family in America.

Woodford R. Porter – A community and business leader, he was the first African-American chair of the UofL Board of Trustees. He served four terms as chair.

Wilson W. Wyatt, Sr. – Former Louisville mayor and Kentucky lieutenant governor, Wyatt also was a UofL trustee and made the first motion to desegregate the university in 1949.

The Playhouse 

The oldest building on UofL’s Belknap Campus, the Playhouse was constructed in 1874 as a chapel for the House of Refuge, a municipal institution for orphaned children. It was first used as a theater in 1925.

In 1977, the Playhouse was dismantled and placed in storage to make way for UofL’s William F. Ekstrom Library. It reopened in 1980 at its current location and was dedicated as the Playhouse. Woodford Porter, UofL’s first African-American board chair, presided over the dedication.

With 344 seats, the Playhouse is home to performances by the university’s acclaimed African American Theatre program. It also houses special events, including the annual celebration of the birth of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Playhouse is listed on the National Register of Historical Places.

J. Blaine Hudson - an inspiration

Dr. J. Blaine Hudson was a beloved figure at the University of Louisville. A student leader of UofL’s Black Student Union in the late 1960s, he was once arrested for occupying an administration building as part of a call for creating a black studies program. Years later, he went from staff to history instructor to a tenured professor in the Pan African Studies department. Hudson eventually rose to the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; he served from 2005 through 2012.

A scholar of the Underground Railroad, Hudson had a strong presence and calm demeanor that he brought to many social issues facing the university. A popular teacher and an outspoken advocate for social justice, he served as a mentor to many students and faculty of all races, genders and backgrounds. He also was a powerful voice in Kentucky history and in the local community, where he established programming that to this day ties the university to the African-American community.

Upon his death in 2013, the university sought an appropriate recognition of his contributions to the community. His panel serves as the center point of Charles H. Parrish, Jr. Freedom Park, a fitting tribute to a man who worked painstakingly for the park’s creation and whose legacy looms large over the university and the community.