Update on NCAA IARP Decision

NOV. 3, 2022

University of Louisville Statement

“With the IARP decision announced today, the five-year process involving the University of Louisville’s men’s basketball program has now come to an end. We are grateful to the members of the panel, led by Chairman Benck, who were fair and deliberate and who ultimately supported many of our robust arguments. While the IARP process provided the opportunity for our case to be heard by an objective panel, a five-year process is much too long. The process left the University of Louisville’s men’s basketball program in limbo and created significant competitive disadvantages. When allegations in this matter first came to light several years ago, the University took these allegations seriously and acted immediately, enacting several sweeping changes to strengthen our policies and procedures to prevent this from happening again. For our University, the Louisville community, our men’s basketball program and our passionate fans, today marks the beginning of a new chapter and we are only looking forward.”

The University of Louisville will be holding a press conference regarding the findings and resolution.

UofL officials respond to IARP decision – Watch the livestream.

The findings

Read the IARP press release.

Read the IARP decision.

Previous information

Athletics/University Policy Changes

May 04, 2020

The following actions and initiatives are examples of the University of Louisville’s continued commitment to institutional control, rules compliance, and active education and monitoring.

  • MBB staff along with all sport staffs, and departments receives regular rules education, rules guidance and monitoring reminders by the Athletics Compliance staff throughout the year.
  • Athletics Compliance, along with Athletics HR, conducts comprehensive in-person, new hire orientation for coaches and staff spelling out in writing all expectations and standards of behavior as well as consequences.
  • On the recommendation of President Bendapudi, the Office of Athletic Compliance now directly reports outside of athletics to the Vice-President for Risk Management, Audit and Compliance on the university side. This shift creates university wide consistency by including athletic compliance in the same reporting line as all other compliance areas of the university. 
  • Athletics Compliance provided targeted rules education to the previous MBB staff on multiple occasions regarding third-party influences, including specific examples of third-party influences in MBB recruiting environment, and the risk of NCAA violations when third-parties become involved with the recruitment of MBB prospects.
  • Athletics Compliance regularly reinforced via in-person, electronic, and phone communications with the previous MBB staff the importance and expectations for the MBB program to actively monitor its recruiting operation including timely submission of complete and accurate compliance forms, proactively communicating with Athletics Compliance, and promptly reporting complete and timely information regarding any potential NCAA violations or actions that could lead to violations including the involvement of third-parties with a prospect’s recruitment. 
  • Institution withheld involved MBB student-athlete immediately from all participation upon discovery of potential eligibility issues.
  • Institution never played a MBB student-athlete in competition if there was any pending or reported allegation of ineligibility.
  • Institution took decisive action and immediately put involved coaches on leave and subsequently terminated employment.
  • Instituted ethics and leadership programming across Athletics Department. Other universities have sought U of L’s input and paradigm to establish their programming.
  • Conducts in-person rules education to ULAA Board and Board of Trustees and other key areas across campus.
  • Weekly admin/compliance check-in meeting with MBB staff.
  • Enhanced prospect visit monitoring by requiring pre-visit documentation and approval for unofficial visits and official visits.
  • Increased monitoring of all complimentary admissions provided by student-athletes and coaches including monitoring use of sport staff personal tickets.
  • In past years’ Athletics Compliance has made itself available, upon invitation from NCAA Enforcement Department, for goodwill meetings and access to our NCAA basketball and football staff members to assist NCAA Enforcement Department to better understand recruiting landscapes.
  • Athletics Compliance staff has participated on multiple occasions as a panelist or guest speaker on compliance and eligibility best practices at national athletics compliance conventions and sports law workshops.
  • Institution has exhausted time, energy, and resources to be exemplary in its cooperation and accessibility throughout investigation process. 
  • Documented history of reporting Level III NCAA violations
  • Full cooperation with the FBI and SDNY including testifying in federal investigation/trial. 
  • Provide diverse, regular booster education including in game rules education, electronic newsletters, rules education reminders in Basketball/Football suites, rules education e-mails to boosters traveling with teams, and reminders to local businesses and services regarding eligibility ramifications for providing extra benefits to student-athletes.
  • Established Cardinal Elite program to provide enhanced rules education to high profile student-athletes in all sports who have professional or Olympic sport potential in areas such as agents, extra benefits, prize money restrictions, and professional draft considerations.
  • Compliance staff has set up permanent physical office in men's basketball facility.
  • Compliance staff in daily (or more) communication with director of basketball operations.
  • Video and noncoaching staff are included in monthly rules education.
  • In-person rules education with each sport (including men's basketball) individually every other month.
  • On alternating months, memoranda and quizzes for coaching  and noncoaching staff for rules education.

Independent Accountability Resolution Process

The NCAA has granted the University of Louisville’s request to resolve its case regarding alleged violations in the men’s basketball program through the Independent Accountability Resolution Process. The university looks forward to the fair resolution of this matter.

See the Independent Accountability Resolution Process notice here.